LCIS is the Calibration Laboratory of Dycometal which has a Quality Management System according to criteria collected in the Standard UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

Dycometal, climatic chambers, quality control equipment
ENAC Dycometal

ENAC accredited, nº141/LC10.101, according Scope of Accreditation (the scope can be consulted in the web page of ENAC www.enac.es).

Our range, accredited by ENAC for the Characterization of Isothermal Media, contemplates the performance of Temperature Calibrations of Climatic Chambers (-40ºC to 150ºC), Laboratory Ovens (0ºC to 150ºC) and Refrigerators and Chest Freezers (-40ºC to 10ºC), as well as of Recovery Time Tests (opening of doors and power cuts).

  • STABILITY STUDY: minimum accredited uncertainty: 0,15ºC (-40 to 150ºC) (k=2).
  • UNIFORMITY STUDY: minimum accredited uncertainty: 0,55ºC (-40 to 150ºC) (k=2).
  • INDICATION STUDY: minimum accredited uncertainty: 0,80ºC (-40 to150ºC) (k=2).

Our ENAC Accredited Scope contemplate also the Recovery Time Studies in abnormal working conditions (Power Cut and Door Aperture).

The Humidity studies will be done with traceability, including the certification of the used devices (Test outside of the Accredited Scope).

  • 26/09/2003: by Entidad Nacional de Acreditación (ENAC), DYCOMETAL EQUIPOS CONTROL DE CALIDAD, S.L., In-Situ Laboratory Calibration (LCIS) is accredited (Laboratory nº 141) for the realization of the calibrations in the magnitudes, ranges and instrument indicated in the Accreditation Scope.
  • 04/09/2006: DYCOMETAL EQUIPOS CONTROL DE CALIDAD, S.L., In-Situ Laboratory Calibration (LCIS) has signed an agreement with ENAC for the utilization of the brand MRA-ILAC.
  • 08/10/2007: DYCOMETAL is part of Eurolab España (Spanish Association of Testing, Calibration and Analysis Laboratories), entity associated to Eurolab aisbl and to FELAB (Association of Test, Calibration and Analysis Entities).
  • 18/11/2011: The Accreditation Committee proceeded to the study of Audit Report No. 18224. In view of the information presented, the Committee agreed to maintain and expand the Scope of Accreditation No. 141/LC10.101 in the terms set forth in Technical Annex Rev. 5: In addition to carrying out the Studies of Stability, Uniformity and Indication in Temperature of the Isothermal Means (Climatic Chambers, Ovens, Refrigerators and Freezer), we can now carry out the Studies of the Recovery Times (Testing of recovery of conditions after a Cutting of Current and Door Opening). These tests are typical to perform during the Qualifications of Isothermal Devices in the Pharmaceutical Sector.

What is ENAC?

The Entidad Nacional de Acreditación – ENAC – is an Organization sponsored and supervised by the Ministry of Science and Technology. ENAC is an independent and non-profit entity that coordinates and directs a National Accreditation System. ENAC is established with the purpose of accrediting at the state level and through a system in accordance with international standards, the technical competence of an entity to certify or inspect.

What is the Accreditation?

Accreditation is the procedure by which an authorized Organism formally recognizes that an Organization is competent to carry out a certain conformity assessment activity.

Which benefits give the Accreditation?

For the Administration, it provides a set of independent and technically competent conformity assessors, reducing the need for regulation by the Administrators. For the Evaluators, it is a differentiating feature in the market, being a guarantee of integrity and competence, leaving their work internationally recognized offering guarantees of their competence. For the clients of the evaluators, it guarantees the acceptance of the products without the need for repetition of the evaluations carried out. Accreditation inspires confidence in the supplier to ensure that the product has been evaluated by an independent and competent Organism.

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